Cheers + Chat | May 26,2020

I am going to work better at hitting record on the happy hour. We just jump on in visiting and about 30  minutes into it we realize that the record button was not hit. We are just so excited to hear from everyone!


password: qYSPDJx3

Flix and Roadhouse Grill are looking to open in June and July. We talked about how attendees felt about the work that associations were performing on their behalf. Matthew Baizer has been extremely happy with the Texas Restaurant Association and their nightly updates. If you have not been looking at your state restaurant associations, you should.

We chatted about having a disclaimer. Some are using a portion of the Walt Disney Disclaimer.

We chatted about the use of apps. Some are using vista serve app, others are customizing their own and some are not using an app at all.

We are looking into putting a national movie night event together for all dine in cinema theatres. We will be talking about this at the next happy hour on Tuesday June 2nd 4pm. Make plans to attend!

Cheers + Chat: May 19,2020

In the event you would like to relive Dexter’s happy hour, click here, password is FssceMg2.

Participant Updates: Jeffery got a haircut. Albert from Smitty’s came for the first time. Jim is still in the Phillipines. Dexter the dog turned 5.

Has your theater become a micro theater? you can think outside your box and rent out  a theater to small groups. MovieHouse and Eatery is renting for $250 and then food and beverage are additional. There is a set menu to be less painful on your kitchen. They are using salary staff and managers only for this service- no hourly workers. This is not feasible to do long term, but is a good way to get the reopening process started. Try it- You might like it:)

CJ Cinema Summit #10: May 21,2020

For cinemas re-opening, the big question is how to fill the big screen until new blockbusters start arriving. We will hear from the leading distributors of a mixed selection of content, everything from classical films to operas, about how to tempt people back to the cinemas.

Update: CineEurope is going virtual June 17th and 18th. CJ Cinema Summit is canceling their virtual event at the end of June and throwing their support behind CineEurope.

Germany- all theatres opening in June. Aruba opened last week. Apple + purcahsed for 70Million new Tom Hanks greyhound movie.

Content will not be available 2-4 months

A special thank you to Charlotte Jones of Omdia, Ray Nutt from Fathom Events and Mark Hirzberger-Taylor from Parck Circus Group for presenting this week.

Park Circus Groups Initiatives to provide cinemas with classic films as they reopen:

click here

Park Circus Sizzle Reel

click here

Fathom Events Sizzle Reel

Click Here

CJ Cinema Summit #10 Recording

Listen Here

Register for next CJ Cinema Summit May 28th!

Reserve your Seat

Don’t forget to visit extra special things at

BoxOffice Company Live Session: May 15,2020

How Instagram & TikTok are revolutionizing Social Media: upload video to your PC

Twitter is where the most complaints come in.

Instagram: make sure you:

establish a profile, your bio is prime real estate. display your company message- use key words- display promotions- list announcements

make sure your content is relevant. there are three options of posting: feed, story, igtv, live.

story: 15 second frame that last 24 hours. people discover content thru story. vertical format is 16:9

igtv- longer videos like trailers- 10 minutes  long and 15 seconds is your feed. have to download the app.

post at least once – three times per day. make sure your posts are people centric. most viewed posts are : disney, nostalgia, marvel, horror, movie trivia, breaking news.

watch replay here:

CJ Cinema Summit #9: May 14,2020

Germany is using drive in theaters. Could this be the future of theaters?

Theaters that are opening are showing archival titles and waiting for the next big film (possibly tenant) to come out. Thrillers and more intense movies get attendees to come to the movies. South Korea had big success with a woody allen movie. CineEurope is officially cancelled.

Dolby support: and

Speakers were Jason Ostrow of Star Cinema Grill and Mitchell Roberts of Evo Entertainment. They opened their theaters the past two weeks.  Guests were not wearing masks and they were taking temps of employees but not guests. Cleaning happened when guests could see not traditionally after a movie started. Worked on eliminating as many touch points as possible. Utilized their mobile apps for ordering an additional requests. Staff to guest interaction was limited more so than in pre COVID.

Helpful reopening tips:

What to consider when reopening

Cinema In Flux Webinar Series May 13,2020 2:25pm

If you missed this amazing presentation- watch it now:) It featured our Summit OG’s Matt Mader, Matthew Baizer and Robbie Sosna. Here are some key take aways:

  1. Change is happening as a reaction to COVID. This is short term while this is an opportunity to make changes long term. Enable technologies to offset the new expenses.
  2. Work on remote delivery.Reimagine how you show a film. A hope is to have flexible requirements when showing movies.
  3. When reopening, you might have a break in the food and supply chain. Develop your single use menu on what you can get not what you typically do.
  4. You can consider decreasing your prices on items that are less prep intensive. Consider scaling down your menu for reopening. Main goal is to get people in their seats and understand that their discretionary funds are limited.
  5. Look at technology for contactless tickets and payments. (shameless plug- use the venue valet app:))

Here is the replay:

Hat created a reopening playbook: Learn it, live it, love it. It is made to help you.


BoxOfficeLive Sessions: ICTA “Technology Reboot Camp”

My  notes will never do this presentation justice as this is SO FAR OUTSIDE my wheelhouse. Therefore, you have to listen to the replay. There were a ton of speakers, lots of questions and invaluable information. Great job Frank Tees of MIT on moderating this webinar.

Cheers + Chat May 12,2020

Well we remembered to hit the record button this week. The focus of the Cheers + Chat this week revolved around Star Cinema Grill opening up. Jason Ostrow was extremely candid with the successes and changes that they will make moving forward. Enjoy the replay:)

Cheers + Chats OG Happiness Hour-20200512 2106-1
Password: SyH33XCh

Congrats Jason !

CJ Cinema Summit #8 May 7,2020

Here is a replay of the May 7,2020 CJ Cinema Summit

Arthouse cinemas have once again proven themselves engines of innovation, this time during the Corona closures. We will hear from the leading European and North American industry bodies how the independent cinema sector will chart its own path out of the current intermission.