Be. Do. Have Model July 2,2020 : Angela Braun

Yes, this is not a Movie Webinar, but something you might find interesting. I attended the Be. Do. Have Model webinar last week. Here are my takeaways:

“Be” the want that you want.

“Do” from that state of being.

This allows us to get what we have.

How you live now as how you show up in the future. Often we bring the past into the future.

Foundational Platforms

  1. Vision: Where do you want to go?
  2. Create: what that person of who and what you want to be. What is this person like? If you know someone and you like their qualities and successes, ask them about what they do. DO NOT say ” let me pick your brain” . No one likes that. Instead begin with ” You inspire me… ” and go from there.
  3. Visualize: and take action. Picture what your life looks like in 5 years. Who will you want to spend time with? What is the relationship you want with money? How do you picture yourself walking in a room?

Show up like a leader who needs to be in the role you have created.

Personal Branding: What you say about yourself.

Personal Brand: What people say about you.

Don’t fall into imposter syndrome (although, it does happen to everyone). Imposter syndrome is the feeling you have not earned your success and this is totally normal.

Keep your “blindspots” open. After all, we have “blindspots” for a reason as we do not want to deal with that issue.



Amy’s “Outside the Movie Industry” Webinars.. Take a read:)

“Mastering Emails” Presented by Elizabeth Sheil 
Make your email life easy because 92% of people polled said email speediness is important and 81% check email multiple times per day.
Helpful Tips
1. Easy Folder Structure: Your inbox should be action items. It is worthless if you don’t use it this way.
2. Tackle Your Full Inbox: Take time to unsubscribe from the junk email.  Start at the bottom of your email list and move up. If it takes less than 3 minutes to respond- reply immediately. If it takes over 3 minutes, reply with you are working on it. File immediately if you have responded to it.
3. Task vs. Calendar: Add notes to the email  (check on the gmail account) regarding why it is essential.
4. Automation Replies: the pros and cons: It saves time and money, allows you to streamline your workflow but it decreases authenticity.

Canned responses: they are useful when you can personalize a portion of the inquiry . If you are going to use a template (these are the three dots by the trashcan in gmail), it should be used for: inquiries, consult follow up, timeline reviews, day of vendor emails, wedding day reminders and out of office replies.

When do you automate: Payment and contract reminders
Auto responder: best practices to use when you are going on vacation
Favorite apps to use to help with you inbox: slack,, screen castify  and  calendly (calendar cross reference)

“How to Continue Marketing Even With a Limited Budget”: Kinsey Roberts
[email protected]

In business, you can spend time or money or both. You need to pick the one that applies to you. This market is the a gateway for a substantial budget and you need to make sure you stop being unforgettable.
1. Plug the holes in your business: stop financial leaks, stop paying for marketing that is not working. Marketing is an inside job
2. Where do you get the most paying clients? find your paying clients and know the conversion rate of # contacted you to # booked.
3. Amplify and increase your marketing referral channel. SEO Search- go to you tube (since it is owned by google). Don’t become stagnant.
4. Go ALL IN for 60 days: If you implement few and far between- not effective. Marketing is math.
Read the book ” They Ask, You Answer” by Marcus Sheridan. You don’t always need to pivot, you can adapt.

“Top Habits of Highly Successful Event Professionals”: Presented by Megan Ely
1. (was running late on a work call…)
2. Must pivot- share your skills
3. Don’t stop learning- ever
4. Misinterpretation of successful growth- be realistic about this year
5. Being too anecdotal about what is working
6. Valuing creativity over organization: now is the time to implement systems, create an editorial schedule
7. Over dependence on a single entity
8. Saying yes to the wrong people

Shift your focus to: 1. your team- build now before you need them 2. your vendor relationships 3. your well being 4. your relevancy: “be a port in the storm- the safe harbor” for your clients.

To do list:
1. Seek inspiration out side of this industry
2. Integrate current technology into your day to day
3.  Make small videos to answer questions instead of email typing (LOOM)
4. Stay connected by being memorable
5. Design your own opportunities to connect
6. Do Better

“I have not failed. I have just found 10,000 ways that don’t work” ~Thomas Edison

Box Office Live Session: Emailing Best Practices to Engage Your Customers

Unfortunately, Amy had a conflict.. But here is the replay:)


The COVID crisis has emphasized for all brands the importance of staying in touch with customers. May it be to give them updates about your business, to give them news on reopening, or simply to send a word of care, email remains the most efficient tool at your disposal to communicate.

However, we have also all received emails that were tone-deaf, poorly formatted, not readable on a mobile device, or so long you gave up half way through!

During this session, we will be going over emailing best practices, and we will end with a demo of our CRM & Emailing tool.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Speakers From The Boxoffice Company:
Malcolm MacMillan EVP, Global exhibitor relations – Boost
Marine Suttle Head of Product
Brian Dolan Business Development Manager

CJ Cinema Summit #12: June 4,2020

Premium large format (PLF) cinema such as IMAX, Dolby Cinema, ScreenX has underpinned much of new cinema growth in the last decade, while also increasing earnings for cinemas and distributors. With cinemas re-opening what are the prospects for audiences still wanting a premium (safe) experience? We bring together the industry leaders to hear their thoughts.

A special thank you to Guillaume Branders from UNIC, Doug Darrow from Dolby, and Oliver Pasch from Cinionic for joining us this week.


Make sure to sign up for next week’s special edition of #CJCinemaSummit!
For the fifth year Celluloid Junkie presents the Top 50 Women in Global Cinema, highlighting the work of cinema industry executives who have made the biggest impact in the past year. Join us as we present the list live.


OG Happy Hour Tuesday June 2,2020

Update: Jim Cooke is still doing good deeds in the Phillipines.

Happy Hour Replay

password (if needed): Ze67wSNT

Topic #1:

We began speaking about the Dine In Cinema Summit. CineShow has been canceled. ShowEast might be canceled but slated for october 21s to 23rd. ExpoCine might still be happening.

We brainstormed to add personal meetings. Vendors can be provided a list of attendees and who they want to meet up with. Choose 7 and get 15 minutes to meet one on one.

Topic #2

Having a nation wide Dine In Cinema Movie night. Come up with a theme and a date… Early July might be best. Need people with marketing bandwidth. Discussion ongoing.

Box Office Live: Lessons from Reopening

Tuesday June 2,2020: Featuring our very own OG Jason Ostrow who is making his rounds on the speaker circuit:)


July 17th- Tenant is tentatively scheduled.

Reopening is like opening a new business- sort of.

It is important to build confidence with customers. Cleaning is the same even though there are lower attendees but it is more thorough. Disposable service ware allows for a quicker turnover.

Lessons learned:

  1. Menu was striped too small in the beginning. Guests want to have the traditional menu.
  2. Patience. Patience. Patience.



New Summer Assets – Fan Content!

MoviesTogether has brand new assets for you to share on your social media, website, and email channels.

Utilize these assets to inspire fans and to ramp up engagement across your platforms while encouraging the #MoviesTogether mission.

Content is 100% FREE. Click here to download assets.

Every week we will be sending you new assets across content formats including video, gifs, memes, and images to supply you with content during COVID.

Animated Video: Choose Your Favorite Popcorn

4 Videos!

Post on Wednesday, June 3rd on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter!

Copy & Paste Social Copy:We are


  1. What is your favorite #popcorn flavor combo? ?


  2. Can’t wait to return to the #MoviesTogether ♥️ ?

Download: Animated Fan Video
Copy & Paste: More social copy options

CJ Cinema Summit #11: May 28,2020

A special thank you to Debbie Stanford-Kristiansen of Novo Cinemas, Claudiu Tanasescu at Cinema Intelligence and Sophie Bouckaert of Kinepolis for joining us this week.

Global News: The Tenant trailer has been released BUT with no dates listed.

One theater is using their company’s marquee by renting it out for salutation signs. A small way to bring in some money.

Interesting fact: Santikos of San Antonio was #61 on the movie opening list and the 60 theaters ahead of them were all drive in theaters.


Make sure you look at the attached documents that were discussed during this summit.

Filmgrail Handout

Cinema Intelligence Handout

Kinepolis Handout

Box Office Pro Live Session : May 27,2020 10:30am CDT : Planning Sanitation Around Reopening

This was extremely interesting to listen to and you need to read all the documents and the links below:) The ci

The most important takeaway I had was:

  1. Simple equipment can do the job
  2. Don’t break the bank for cleaning
  3. Consider doing a film pre show video of cleaning

“Everyone is on different boats of this storm”

Atom Tickets Survey Delivers Insight On Most-Wanted Movie Theater Safety Precautions